Thursday, April 30, 2015

Heart in the Medicine Chest

Heart in the Medicine Chest

To ease a wounded soul,
take fifteen minutes, three times a day.
Rest outdoors, soak in birdsong.
If you can walk, do so on good, clean dirt.
The earth holds you close. Cry.

To lengthen joy,
it’s simple! Use up time. Spend unwisely.
Buy cheap daisies; tie them up with costly ribbons.
Dance wildly: leap mailboxes, bump into lampposts,
vault the stars. Go for broke.

When a friend has a story to tell,
good or bad, this is sacred. Don’t check your watch.
Become a rock in the sweet, slow stream.
Be the concrete that contains the storm.
Be still.

While passion beats those wild drums,
paint cerise spirals, pluck rubies, melt chocolate,
eat artichokes with butter.
Pop the champagne.
Sleep in silk. Sleep in.

When the threadbare curtain between you and death shreds,
take a good look; don't cover your eyes. When, not if,
because, my darling dear,
life promises endings.

Through the puncture in your heart, see all this:
too much, too soon, too hard, too bad.
With sad, slow motion eyes,
be a camera obscura.
Sketch the shadow.

When life is pitch-black,
there’s no mistaking the Light of the World.
Awake. Sigh. Breathe. Offer your grief.
Yes, sing!
Be the last note, alive.

~Claire Germain Nail

Check out Claire's blog here:

And buy her book here:

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